Sunday, November 18, 2012

Villian Bio: Little Green Men

Origin: Unknown, possibly alien.

Description: Although their height does vary, the little green men that have been seen so far were all less than 5' tall. Their skin is green and their hairless heads seem to be too large for their slight frames. These robbers usually travel in a white van in groups of five. They wear tight spandex-like clothing, green tinted goggles and a curious green bracelet. They are also likely to have a small but powerful ray gun. Although called men, it is undetermined if they even have gender in the way humans do.

Powers: Their ray guns can discharge a bean of energy that can shatter windows. The effect of this weapon on humans has thankfully not been measured. They seem to have some sort of energy shield. Their goggles seem to be some sort of environmental adaptation system, removing them has resulted in one death of a little green man. It is possible they have other powers, as their large heads indicate a larger than human brain capacity.

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