Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Supers Management Bureau: Det. Sheryl Waters

Detective Waters has been with the Supers Management Bureau since 2009. She was in charge of police-supers relationships during the Mr. Fantastic crisis in 2010 and managed much of the fallout from the disbanding of the Incrediblists in 2009. Her major contribution to police-supers relations has been the Mercinary List. This list allows officers to quickly identify registered heroes and potential trouble makers. Supers were much more agreeable to being registered since she rescinded the need for civilian identity clause, since then supers surrender their civilian identity at their own discretion.

With funding from playboy philanthropist Richie Stash, Detective Waters created four superpower dampening cells located in the Justice Building. These cells use technology to reduce the potency of most common superpowers. Currently only Danny Boy Sorappo remains incarcerated in these cells.